Photograph by Troy Goudzwaard

spring quarter, 2019                                              cal poly, studio olsen  
The hassleback project bridges the gap between modular and bespoke construction, creating comfortable, individualized units at an affordable cost by using a kit-of-parts style assembly.
896 Fulsom Street serves as proof-of-concept for a new typology of urban housing, one which aims to bring the suburban neighborhood to the apartment block by integrating allowances for different lifestyles and familial structures, sub-urban amenities and commodities, and community-centric architecture.

By creating the perfect system of modularity, the designers set themselves up for THE HACK...
[Full personalization of user-owned spaces utilizing various advances in technology to maximize small scale production]
This begs the question:                                     Does modularity defy personalization?                 Or does it create a framework around which individuals can customize?

Early Iterations and Process Work
Final Drawings and Models